03 June 2011


Dear Reader:

I'm setting up this blog for a number of reasons:

1) To document what has inevitably become a long, arduous, and increasingly frustrating search for a job that utilizes my shiny new Bachelors of Science in Mathematics. Posts in this vein will talk about jobs/companies I have applied to/for, careers I'm interested in, as well as my progress (and, when the time comes, what I end up doing).

2) To talk about maths-related topics. Posts in this category might cover textbooks I'm reading, interesting maths-related articles I've found while crawling the net, and interesting academic papers being published in the various areas of mathematics.

3) To cover any random topics I choose to write about. These may include but are not limited to: amateur radio, my struggles to learn Chinese, music, literature, &c &c &c.

Hopefully, the writing will be interesting, fairly light when not covering heavy duty maths topics, and maybe even entertaining if I don't ham fist it like the last time I had a blog.


1 comment:

  1. I'm excited to see what you're gonna write. :)
